Transforaminal Epidural MIPSI
MIPSI or Minimally invasive pain and spine interventions is a broad term which encompasses all the Non-invasive and minimally invasive interventions done by the interventional spine and pain physicians for myriad of conditions right from Musculo-skeletal disorders like back pain, neck pain, knee pain etc.
What is Transforaminal Epidural MIPSI?
Epidural space is a potential space present in the Spinal canal around the spinal cord. Epidural MIPSI is a procedure in which an anti-inflammatory medication is injected in this Epidural space with the help of a needle under X ray guidance at the level where the patient has the actual problem
There are 2 approaches: Transforaminal (vis Intervertebral foramen) or Interlaminar (B/W adjacent lamina). Technique used depends on the patient’s severity of pathology and the level of pathology.
- Prolapsed Intervertebral disc disease
- Chronic back pain with multiple level disc disease
- Spinal stenosis with radicular pain
- Compression fracture of vertebra with radicular pain
- Failed back surgery
- Post-herpetic neuralgia
How Transforaminal Epidural MIPSI helps relief pain?
Pain associated with the above mentioned conditions is mainly due to the nerve irritation caused by the prolapsed disc or in case of Post-herpetic neuralgia the inflamed Dorsal root ganglia. Instillation of medications close to the irritated nerve reduces the swelling around the nerve, bringing about reduction in the pain.
When will the medication begin to work?
Patient can start appreciating the effect of the medications 3-4 days post-procedure and maximal effect is achieved over a period of 3-4 weeks.
How many times this procedure has to be repeated?
Most patients need only one injection, however, some patients with big disc may need repetition of the procedure. Decision to repeat the procedure is taken by your doctor looking at your MRI and the relief percentage from previous procedure.
Will I require hospitalization for this procedure?
No. This is a Day care procedure. Patient is advised about the Pre-procedure precautions before- hand. On the day of the procedure, patient arrives 2 hours before the procedure and is discharged same day after 2 hours of monitoring.
To see how this procedure is done, click the below link