Endoscopic Spine procedure MIPSI
MIPSI or Minimally invasive pain and spine interventions is a broad term which encompasses all the Non-invasive and minimally invasive interventions done by the interventional spine and pain physicians for myriad of conditions right from Musculo-skeletal disorders like back pain, neck pain, knee pain etc.

What is an Endoscopic Spine procedure?
Endoscopic Spine procedure is a minimally invasive technique used by the pain physicians in patients of Back pain and Sciatica. It is a technique wherein an endoscope is inserted at the target location, most often a bulging disc, and the impinged nerve is made free of the compressing pathologies.
Various approaches are used to address the particular pathology most common of them being Transforaminal and Interlaminar approaches.
What are the advantages of Endoscopic Spine procedure over Open spine surgeries?
- Minimally invasive with 0.8 cm incision on the skin
- No General anaesthesia required, can be done under Local anaesthesia or Caudal epidural block
- No injury to the paraspinal muscles and posterior elements of the spine.
- Low risk of spine instability in future
- Patient can walk from the same day
- No prolonged hospitalization or bed rest
- Patient discharged on 2nd day of procedure
- Early recovery to normal life

- Prolapsed Intervertebral disc disease
- Chronic back pain with multiple level disc disease
- Spinal stenosis with radicular pain
- Foraminal stenosis
- Discogenic pain
- Failed back surgery
How Endoscopic Spine procedure helps relief pain?
Pain associated with the above mentioned conditions is mainly due to the nerve compression caused by either the prolapsed disc, hypertrophied facet joints or ligamentum flavum hypertrophy. Endoscopic procedures like Disc decompression, Discectomy, Foraminotomy or flavectomy relieves the pressure on the compressed nerves, thus, helping in pain relief.

How much time is required for the total recovery after Endoscopic procedure?
Post procedure patient is able to do his routine work within 2-3 days. However, they are asked to avoid certain postures and movements for a time period of 4-6 weeks which is the time required for internal healing. During this period patients are slowly started on rehabilitation exercises in a graded manner under the guidance of our Physiotherapist for a complete recovery. Thus, 4-6 weeks are required for total recovery after Endoscopic procedure.
Will I require hospitalization for this procedure?
Yes . For Endoscopic Spine procedure patient requires hospitalization for a period of 2 days.