Elbow and Wrist pain
Elbow and wrists are most commonly affected due to injuries or overuse due to repetitive movements. Inflammatory arthritis is one more condition which frequently affects the wrist joint and small joints of the hand. Since Elbow and Wrist joint are less prone for wear and tear damage, Degenerative arthritis is very rarely a cause of pain.
Conditions Treated
Bursae are fluid filled sacs present around the joint which facilitate movement and reduce friction at tendon-tendon and tendon-bone interface
Distal Biceps Tendinitis/ Tendinopathy/ Rupture
Biceps is a muscle which lies in front of the arm and attaches to the radius distally through a tough band of fibrous tissue called as Biceps tendon
Tennis elbow/ Lateral epicondylitis
Tennis elbow is a condition characterised by pain on the lateral aspect of the elbow. The extensor muscles of the forearm attach to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus bone
Golfer’s elbow/ Medial epicondylitis
Golfer’s elbow is a condition characterised by pain on the inner aspect of the elbow. The Flexor muscles of the forearm attach
Nerve Entrapment syndromes/ Nerve Compression syndrome
A nerve is called entrapped when it losses its mobility and flexibility because of compression by the surrounding tissues.
De Quervain Tenosynovitis
De Quervain tenosynovitis is a condition characterized by pain on the thumb side of the wrist which may be associated with swelling.
Trigger finger
Also called as stenosing tenosynovitis, it is a condition in which the fingers get stuck in bent position and are associated with pain and swelling.